We Slim Together Portadown

We Slim Together PortadownAndrea Murdoch, a 46-year-old, teacher from Waringstown, was inspired to lose weight and get healthy after booking a summer holiday in July 2016, and realising she wasn’t comfortable in her summer wardrobe.

“I felt really self-conscious, and was wearing clothes that were too big so I could hide behind them – big bags, big scarves, anything to hide behind.”

Not only was Andrea’s weight causing IBS symptoms, but it was affecting her confidence and self-esteem, and causing her to have a low mood.

“In my job, I’m always on view to pupils and parents, and to some degree I always felt I was being scrutinised and judged. I lacked confidence, and I continually doubted myself.”

Andrea joined We Slim Together in Portadown, losing 1 stone in time for her 2016 holiday, before losing a further 1 stone 6lbs before her summer holiday this year, giving her a total loss of almost 3 stone.

“With We Slim Together, I didn’t need to punish or deprive myself. It’s not a diet, it’s a lifelong healthy eating plan that’s manageable for everyday life. Once I got my mind set right, my body followed.”

While Andrea’s friends and family didn’t think she had a problem with her weight, they were supportive of her journey.

“It’s difficult to juggle full time work, my partner, two teenagers, a toddler, and trying to take some time for yourself. Planning and preparation could definitely be a challenge, but now I feel happy in my size 12 clothes, and I have a better, as well as a healthy and balanced, relationship with food.”

Although hers is a success story, Andrea’s weight-loss journey hasn’t always been plain sailing.

“There were times when my weight-loss slowed down, and I even questioned the plan, but I learnt lessons, and remained patient, and the weight-loss began again.”

Struggling with trying to lose weight, or overcoming the obstacle of a plateau, when trying to go it alone can feel very isolating and demotivating. Luckily, Andrea felt much support from her We Slim Together group.

“I had so much support, you never feel on your own. My Consultant, Elaine, is a real inspiration. She’s patient, supportive, kind, and really upbeat.”

Andrea’s weight loss journey is almost complete, with 2st 8lb off. As We Slim Together is a lifestyle plan, she will begin maintaining her new weight, which shouldn’t be a problem for Andrea with her new mind set.

“After I had the first stone off and came home from holiday, I realised I was looking forward to eating meals that were on plan again. This wasn’t just a quick fix for me.”

Hoping that her success will inspire others, Andrea wants to spread a positive message.

We Slim Together Portadown

“Women, in particular, give themselves a hard time about their image. They are supposed to be all things to everyone – wife, mother, work colleague, daughter, and as well as all that, they have to lo

ok good. Pressure from the media makes it so difficult, because you’re meant to look perfect all the time.

We Slim Together helped me take a part of my life back for me. I feel good mentally and physically, and I’m proud of how far I’ve come. Sustainable weight loss is so possible. Believe in yourself – you can do this with our support.”

So inspired by her consultant and other We Slim Together members Andrea has decided to become a consultant and support other in their journey to change their relationship with food.

Andrea is set to open a new group on Tuesday 3rd October. Join Andrea from 6pm at Mount Zion House, Edward St, Lurgan and kick start your weight loss journey.