weight loss belfast

weight loss belfastJulie Spiers (48), a Taxi Operator from Carrowdore, was inspired to lose weight for health reasons after suffering a heart attack in 2011. Married with four children and six grandchildren, Julie decided she didn’t want to miss out on enjoying her home life anymore.

“I felt worthless, and I couldn’t join in with any family activities, I just had to sit and watch while everyone else had fun. Everything was a challenge before I lost weight, even putting on socks and shoes was a struggle.

The heart attack made me realise that I wanted to change my life. I wanted to see my kids and grandkids grow up, and to be a part of their lives, instead of a memory.”

Although her health problems were very serious, they weren’t the only concern for Julie, whose mental health was also suffering due to the excess weight she was carrying.

“I didn’t feel comfortable in my own skin. I didn’t like shopping for clothes at all, I felt embarrassed asking for bigger sizes.”

Julie spotted a WST Community Facebook page and decided if others could do it, then so could she.

“My family were very supportive, and still are to this day. I joined a local WST Community group, changed my diet, and started walking for exercise.”

Julie has undergone a significant lifestyle change and lost an impressive five stone in the process, but she knows that her journey isn’t over yet.

“I am still classified as overweight and have a little way to go, I would like to lose another three stone, but now I am a lot happier and healthier than I was before. I feel different. I can finally join in with my family, and I don’t shy away from photographs anymore.”

The lifestyle transformation Julie has undertaken has not been without its challenges.

“It was difficult to change from a diet with lots of sugar and junk food to healthy and nutritious food, but my son and daughter were behind me 100%, and my son even took before and after photos of me, which made me realise how much I had achieved.”

Julie was recently awarded Community Sponsor, supported by SlimLine Wine at the We Slim Together Community Awards 2018 for her achievements.

“I feel honoured to win this award, it lets me know that I am taking steps in the right direction. Joining the WST Community and losing weight is the best thing I have ever done. I would encourage others to join – believe in yourself and never give up on your weight loss goals.”

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