If you’re not hungry enough to eat an apple, you’re not hungry.
We’re not going to start off our lifestyle change with a drastic change, that might work for a short time but not forever. We’re going to make small changes over a period of time until eventually eating healthy is second nature.

This week I want every member next time they feel like eating something to stop and think, ‘am I hungry or is this just a craving?‘ Hunger is a physical response to your body requiring energy in the form of food. Cravings are more psychological and are often for a particular food.

Identifying when our body actually needs energy or whether it’s your brain tricking you can be very difficult.
We’re going to practice identifying this, this week when you’re about to get food stop and think of your favourite fruit or vegetable. In my case I’ll be thinking of roasted butternut squash. If the thought of that sounds really good I’m going to guess I’m actually hungry but if I’m still thinking on whatever food I was originally getting I know I’m just having cravings and that I need to be careful.

(Many people say they don’t like any vegetables, in that case you’re task for next week is to come talk to me in person/email/ and try a few. I guarantee I’ll find you something as long as you’re willing to try new things!)