Sally is a mother of three kids and is from Cheshire, England. Sally has lost 4 stone in the 9 months of being an online member.

In her own words here is what she has to say –

“Two years after having my youngest daughter I  still hadn’t lost the baby weight. I was fed up of feeling fat, my clothes didn’t fit and I didn’t want to buy a bigger size. My confidence was at an all time low.

I was embarrassed at how heavy I was so I hid in big, baggy clothes. I hid my feelings from everyone as I felt I only had myself to blame. I’m an emotional eater and eat for comfort so would eat lots of sweet foods to compensate for a bad day.

The lightbulb moment for me was when I realised that I had hardly any clothes that fit to wear for work. As I work in a school it was coming up to the summer holidays and I knew if I didn’t make changes I would have nothing to wear when we started back in September. I saw the impending holidays as an opportunity to do something – for me.

I struggle going to a group because of family life. So instead, I looked for an online group to join. I’ve had some success with other groups but could never sustain the plan or keep it off.  I was googling online weight loss groups and happened to come across We Slim Together. Being in England its not a group I had heard of but having looked on the website I thought I’d give it a go. I joined in June 2016 but, to be honest, I didn’t really make much of an effort. It was as if I’d joined a group so now I would magically lose weight. A few weeks later I got a message from the Admin Team asking how I was getting on. It was that kick up the backside I needed. Something clicked, this wasn’t an automated computer sending me a standard message. This was a real person taking an interest in me. So the last week in July 2016 is when I began my WST journey and I have not looked back since.

Being an online member  you can feel it can be really easy to give up when you do it alone however, the constant support from We Slim Together consultants and members has ensured this hasn’t happened. Sure, I’ve had bed weeks but a quick post on Facebook or a private message to the admin team and its as if an army has marched to my side, picked me up and carried me forward – totally priceless. So much so that I have lost weight or maintained every week, I’ve not had a gain even when I’ve been on holiday. I’ve always been able to loss any holiday gain before my next weigh in. Now the challenge is to convince others that online works too!

I have never thought of giving up, it truly has not crossed my mind. There’s so much support available that if I did feel like giving up I know I could talk to one of the team and they would support me accordingly.

My top tips would be have faith, don’t give up. Use the support available. Engage in conversations on Facebook. Read and re-read all the information given at the start and on the website. Ask for help. Remind yourself why you started, how far you’ve come and where you can get to if you don’t give up!

I absolutely love WST and would encourage anyone who is thinking of joining to give it a go! The plan is realistic and the support available is first class. A huge thank you to all the consultants who put in so much effort. They really do go above and beyond. Thank you also to all the members of WST. Your likes and comments on my Facebook posts spur me on. All of your posts are motivating because they are honest. Your photos are inspiring. Your meal plans and recipes are really helpful. Finally, thank you Sonya. If you hadn’t have shared your own journey none of us would have this opportunity. You have done an amazing job and I look forward to the future with WST.”