Zoe Morgan from Ballymoney and is a mum to her 16 year old daughter. Zoe is our Star Slimmer North Region 2017 WINNER and also runner up in our Inspiration award.

Zoe weighed 21 stone 12lbs at her heaviest and has now lost over 10 &1/2 stones.

Zoe will share her story in her own words

“At 32 years of age I was told I had Diabetes I always knew there was a strong possibility I would get it as my Mother has it and my Grandmother also had it but thought I had more time. When I got the phone call from the nurse and she gave me some home truths I broke down, at this point my health was not the greatest having been suffering from severe headaches, shakes, dizzy spells, cold sweats etc I tried to go it alone to stabilise my sugars with being unsuccessful I was put on medication and monitored but lacking in will power and knowledge I was slipping with the diet side of things and a year later I was attending the eye clinic at Causeway Hospital every 6 months to monitor my eyesight for any damage caused via the blood sugar control (or lack of) the nurse felt I may need stronger medication to control my sugars and mentioned insulin injections which really scared me.

I have been self conscious and lacking in confidence my whole life having been over weight from a very early age (approx 7 yrs old). I have always hated my own reflection avoiding photographs as much as possible and only having them from the shoulders up when I had to! I was always self conscience thinking people were laughing at my size or talking about me. I hated clothes shopping as nothing ever looked right or fitted properly and the lack of options meant I bought what fit rather than what I liked and generally always preferred to be in the background, unnoticed so kept it all dark colours. I was moody, tired and had a general lack of motivation.

The lightbulb moment for me was in January 2016, I had lost 4 stone myself at home but hit a brick wall and couldnt do anymore. I had read about the WST plan and how it had helped members with Type 2 Diabetes, I then asked around and found out a little about the plan (having tried most of the other leading plans out there and failing) I thought it sounded like something I could do so made a conscious decision to join and give it my all when my partner and I returned from our trip to Amsterdam at the end of January 2016.

I walked into the evening group in Ballymoney on 3/2/16 a bit dubious and had brought a friend with me who also wanted to lose some weight. We got our packs and began that next day. After a couple of weeks my friend for personal reasons could not continue, this for me was the turning point – normally I would have thrown the folder in a drawer and given up but something in me had clicked and the following week I attended the morning class on my own, trying to get in, weighed and out again as quick as possible. Inside 3 weeks I had my first certificate for half a stone then 2 weeks later I got my 1 stone certificate. I began having conversations with other members while waiting in the queue to get weighed, then I started staying to class, I slowly realised no one was laughing at me we were all in it together! Everyone was so encouraging and often commented on how much of a change they saw in me even though I did not really see it myself. One year on and I stay to class EVERY week even speaking out on occasion, I have lost 6&1/2  stone within that year whilst LIVING!! Bringing my total loss to 10&1/2 stones. I have been on holiday twice, enjoyed birthday celebrations, Christmas celebrations and fallen off the wagon on occasion but have always jumped straight back on and never once was made to feel guilty for it!! I enjoy treat day once a week so never feel deprived of anything and only feel hungry through fault of my own!!

I have so much more energy, confidence and willpower now. I am off all medication and my blood sugars are totally under self control. I am finding a whole new world of clothes shopping and slowly beginning to come out of my comfort zone.

I am so much happier now. My family would have said I was snappy before and although I am sure I still have my moments these are most definitely less frequent. I no longer hide in the background and am more confident in rooms full of people even if I am on my own. I also don’t mind the odd full length photo being taken!

There are a few people I would like to mention. In the first month of joining I used to just scroll the Facebook support page looking for tips and advice, I came across pictures posted by Jennifer Flynn and I remember showing my partner saying ‘look what this woman has achieved on plan, maybe I can do it’ throughout my time I have always used Jennifer as an inspiration and I am very proud to say I am up there with her in the 6+ stone loss bracket.

Another inspiration has been my plan buddy Caroline who in those first couple of months was a friendly face and a positive comment and in the following months a listening ear, a mentor and a friend.

Finally Sonya – Sonya became consultant for Ballymoney midway through my journey but to be honest it was a very crucial time for me. I came back from 2 weeks holidays knowing I had been completely off plan and facing a massive gain! I wobbled with going that week (knowing in the back of my head if I didn’t I may never return) as being faced with a new consultant, the consultant who set the plan up and a massive gain was so daunting but having the Facebook support page helped as it felt like she wasn’t a complete stranger! So I talked myself into going and braving whatever the scales or Sonya said! I was greeted with a friendly face at the scales and the comment ‘Now that’s my kinda holiday’ when they showed my 13lb gain!!! I never looked back after that and Sonya’s continued support and motivation is what has gotten me this far and will get me to target!

I am extremely proud of myself having stuck to We Slim Together plan for a year and having achieved a 10 &1/2 stone loss as well as overcoming mental obstacles that have been a part of my life for a very long time. My journey continues and will do for life as We Slim Together is not a diet but a life plan and planning is what I do best!”