Andrea carsonOnline member, Andrea Carson tried every diet known to man, I’d just about given up on the excess weight that had crept on over the past years ever shifting.  I was feeling low and demotivated when I overheard a few friends mention the We Slim Together plan.  I was desperate to get some control back in my life, to enjoy running about with my kids and to look forward to getting ready to go out for a night.  I’d had enough of dreading choosing an outfit knowing that I wasn’t going to be pleased with what I seen when I looked in the mirror.  One day I decided to stop moaning to myself and give the We Slim Together plan a try!

That very day I signed up, went grocery shopping, started my journey, and changed my life for the better.  The support I receive every single day, at any time of the day, has been the key.  Its not just a weekly weigh in and a “I’ll see you next week.”  From I get up in the morning until I go to bed there is an entire network of people, from all walks of life, that are only a click away on the FB page or website that are all going through this every step of the way with me, because they too are travelling the same journey.  We share our highs and help each other through our lows.  The FB page encourages you to participate in sharing your journey, which for me has really helped with keeping me focused on my target, accountable for my food choices, and boosting my motivation to a whole new level.  There is no easier way that I know of to conquer something than to surround yourself with others on the same mission!  Leaders and members are all already there to help and support  – and it has been invaluable.

The plan itself meant very little change to me and my family.  A few cooking styles tweaked.  A few ingredients substituted.  Some planning ahead – which makes daily life so much easier.  There are hundreds of meal ideas and recipes on the website waiting for me, along with so many ideas and tips from fellow members and leaders that meal times have not once been a struggle, not even when eating out.

For me, having 3 kids aged 8, 12 &14, the best bit has to be knowing that I am providing them with a variety of tasty, wholesome, healthy meals, that have obviously been well received as there are always cleared plates.  We even have a treat day for all the goodies that I’m used to having to cut out completely.

This is the first time I have consistently lost weight every week and never once felt like I have deprived myself of anything.  It’s a way of life for me and the kids, not a diet.  For me, diets are hard work, leave me feeling even lower and pretty restricted.  WST knows that and has everything adapted to ensure that this lifestyle is a far cry from any of that.

I am losing weight but gaining self esteem, self respect, better health, motivation, control of my life and a whole bunch of new friends.  Who couldn’t be happy with results like that!