• whole foods

    The Importance of Whole Foods in Weight Loss

    If you have weight loss goals, it’s likely that you are making positive changes to your diet in order to shed the pounds. Many people increase their protein intake to help reduce their appetite, and increase their water intake to help flush out their system, …Continue reading »

  • weight loss belfast

    Now I can look in the mirror and smile

    Catherine Kidd blamed her figure on becoming a mum – even when her son was 14 years old!  But the mum from Ballyclare has now shed the excess weight and tells Local Women how she is inspiring others to do the same. As she felt …Continue reading »

  • wellbeing

    How Mindfulness Can Help with Weight Loss

    When we want to make a significant change in our lives, even when it is a change for the better, we can struggle to break bad habits and form positive new ones. If we want to improve our diet and fitness, and develop a more …Continue reading »

  • Food Prep

    Recognise and tame your triggers

    You know the triggers… The chocolate ice cream calling you from the freezer. The Tayto cheese and onion taunting you from the kitchen counter. The hot nut gnawing away at your willpower. But, is it the food that’s pestering you? Of course not—it’s just cravings …Continue reading »

  • Food prep for weightloss

    Food Prep for Supercharged Weight Loss

    For most of us, food preparation or “food prep” might bring to mind the process of cutting vegetables and stirring sauces for dinner, but for a lot of successful slimmers and fitness fans food prep is what supercharges their results. Food prep is a simple …Continue reading »

  • weight loss goals

    The Only One Stopping You, Is You

    Did you start 2018 with a weight loss goal? Did you commit yourself to getting healthier in 2018? Or maybe you wanted to work out more and get fitter this year? Whatever your health and fitness related goals were going into the New Year, the …Continue reading »

  • Food for energy

    3 Tips to Eat Well for Energy

    Do you find yourself feeling tired and run-down? This week we are talking about the small changes you can make to your diet and lifestyle to boost your energy! What and when you eat can have a profound effect on your energy levels… Those people …Continue reading »

  • Healthy eating

    Why You Should Plan Meals Around Your Veg

    Traditionally, when we plan meals we tend to think of which carbs or meat to have first, and then think of which vegetables to have with the meal second, most often as a small side to the main carb or meat. To reap the most …Continue reading »

  • Importance of sleep

    The Importance of Sleep

    When we decide that we want to be healthier, we often focus on eating better food and incorporating exercise into our lifestyles, which is great, but one critical factor that we often overlook is the importance of sleep. It is believed that we need around …Continue reading »

  • Health Advice

    Become a GI Jane or Joe

    Life is full of choices. Sometimes so many that we can feel overwhelmed. And when it comes to fitness and health, there seem to be a million options and choices to be made. From exercise routines, to diets that promise next day results or plans …Continue reading »

  • Home cooking ideas

    Eat well for less!

    Christmas behind us, all the luxurious food consumed and both our bodies and our bank balance need a break! This week’s tips will help you make better, cheaper meals that taste fabulous and trim your waistline—along with your food bill. Healthy eating on a budget …Continue reading »

  • Family meal ideas

    Live cooking of a family favourite low calorie creamy garlic taggliatelli

    Need a family favourite meal? Want to know what to do with leftover cold cuts of meat? Cook a meal in less than 10 mins and save calories while not losing flavour. Less than 85 WST daily calories per portion. https://youtu.be/aJGELgvfAlY