We Slim Together

Struggling to lose her baby weight two years after having her youngest daughter, Sally Whiteside, 37, from Cheshire admits her confidence was at an all time low.

we slim togetherThe teaching assistant and married mother-of-three revealed: “I was embarrassed at how heavy I was so hid in big, baggy clothes. I hid my feelings from everyone as I felt I only had myself to blame.”

Realising that her clothes didn’t fit but reluctant to buy bigger sizes, she tried several times to lose weight but never lasted more than a few days. Sally admitted: “I’m an emotional eater and eat for comfort so would eat lots of sweet foods to compensate for a bad day.”

The turning point came when she realised the summer holidays were approaching.

“As I work in a school, I knew if I didn’t make changes I would have nothing to wear when we started back in September. I saw the impending holidays as an opportunity to do something – for me.”

we slim togetherDue to the pressures of family life going to a slimming group was not an option, so Sally began searching for support groups online.

She said: “I happened to come across WST. Being in England it’s not a group I had heard of but having looked on the website I thought I’d give it a go.”

After joining in June 2016, it took an enquiry message about her progress from the Admin Team to really give Sally the kick she needed to start her journey.

“Something clicked. This was a real person taking an interest in me. So the last week in July 2016 is when I began my WST journey and I have not looked back since.” she said.

In just 6 months Sally went from being 14 stone to wearing size 12 clothes and her confidence soared.

She said: “I am so proud of what I have achieved and feel determined to accept this as a lifestyle not a quick fix. I feel really happy and healthy”.

She also confessed that she now looks at weight loss in a totally different way: “I’m no longer concerned about the number on the scales.”

“Dropping clothes sizes, losing inches, compliments etc. far outweigh the loss on the scales. I’ve never looked at weight loss in this way, I’ve accepted this is a lifestyle, not some fad diet.” she said.

Sally credits WST for keeping her motivated at home and urges others to try out the online groups.

She added: “It can be really easy to give up when you do it alone, however, the constant support from WST consultants and members ensured this hasn’t happened. The plan is realistic and the support available is first class.”

Encouraging others to take the leap, Sally said: “Have faith, don’t give up. I have found it easy to stick to the plan, I never feel deprived and will continue making these positive changes to my life.”

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