WST Community is a ‘heathy eating support group’.

We help support members to lose weight, gain weight or maintain weight by healthier fresh foods while not feeling deprived.

Here are what our members said when we asked ‘ How do WST Community differ compared to other groups you may have attended before?’

‘From the moment I walked in the doors I have received nothing but support and encouragement. I did not know one single member yet I was welcomed into this newly formed community. The group focuses on supporting someone to succeed rather than saying ‘do this and you will lose weight’. It recognises that every ounce a person loses is lost by that person and not by the work of the group or their consultant. This allows people to feel fulfilled in their journey. This is not a diet; it’s a series of lifestyle changes that gives you the knowledge to go out and make the changes you want for you. WST has changed my life and I am honoured to have the pleasure of supporting people to change theirs’

‘I like the way at end of weigh in there is a topic that’s explains how the various ‘sciences’ of losing weight works’

‘I have been a member of a well known group and even though I’ve lost weight at this group there is nothing to keep u there so when u go off the rails u stay off the rails. This group is so different it’s the support’

‘I have been 2 every one that was ever in N.I and done some other head banger ones 2 have lost weight with them but once stopped went on plus loads more. I am learning things with this group I never learned anywhere else.’

‘WST is a family!!! We all support each other on a daily basis; we don’t only support each other on our healthy eating journeys but also in many other aspects of life. Support, friendship, and encouragement was given freely to me from day one, I felt at home!! I have learned how to have a healthy lifestyle, learned that there are times when being off plan is fine and how to get back onto plan have never been judged for a rough week, only encouraged and taught how to do better. I achieved a healthy body, an armful of tools to keep it healthy and a load of friends to keep me motivated!’

‘I’ve tried them all and I am a member of WST! What I find is the support is amazing! I see my consultant at weigh in but she answers all my questions and takes time to message personally when she knows I am struggling! I have never had this in any other group! The support is amazing and I’ve never had more knowledge about food and the science behind it!’

‘I’ve tried them all BUT WST is by far the best decision I’ve made I love the easy plan the motivation u get each week at class the hugs the talks the Facebook page its great to know that if u need help u can get it at anytime nothing is a bother and I have made a lot of new friends and consultants are amazing and a big thank u to WST for making it possible for me to get a healthy life my only regret I didn’t do it years ago’

‘I think it is the personal touch, the time bound meetings, good healthy plan, 24/7 support, slimmer of month prizes, joint working between consultants & treat day’

‘I have tried two of the biggest well-known slimming groups and lost weight and got to target with both. I very quickly stopped going after target each time and the weight went straight back on. The difference for me is the genuine affection and encouragement from everyone at class and the inspirational leaders who have actually done it themselves. There is no humiliating round up where everyone knows how you did. Instead there is a first class interesting talk every week. It is a normal down to earth group for normal people. I love coming to class even when I know I have pigged out. Love the Facebook interaction and the recipes on the website and of course the brilliant social side to this group. This group has given my hubby and me our life back.’

‘I feel like I have someone constantly supporting me. I think having all groups’ use the same Facebook page is really helpful because if you are tempted go off plan you flick onto the page and someone is posting about their results and it really acts as an incentive to stay on plan. I have done all the plans but have never felt as supported as I do in WST’