Feargal, a Retail Duty Manager from Dungannon, was inspired to lose weight as he and his partner are currently going through the adoption process and were told by their Social Worker that their obesity may hinder their progress. It took that comment from the Social Worker for Feargal to realise that his weight was a problem.


“I didn’t believe I had a problem. Yes, I lacked confidence, but my friends and family didn’t know how I was feeling. I kept it to myself. I looked happy on the outside, but I was really unhappy on the inside.”


“It was only hearing the Social Worker saying we needed to lose weight to be considered as adoptive parents that it hit home.”


Before joining the We Slim Together Community, Feargal’s weight was impacting his self-esteem, as well as his ability to carry out day-to-day tasks.

slimmings groups dungeon

“Before losing weight I was self-conscious, and tired with very little energy. All I could see was my clothes getting tighter, and I needed to buy bigger sizes. I did have a bit of depression as well, which just made me want to eat more.”


“I found it difficult to bend and lift at work, and it was getting difficult to even tie my laces.”


Since losing almost three stone, Feargal is starting to feel the benefits, both in his personal life and at work.


“Now, even though I have a little way to go to get to target, I have a whole new lease on life. At almost two stone lighter, I feel like a new person. I can tie my laces without my stomach getting in the way. I can keep up in work without getting breathless.”


Feargal joined the We Slim Together Community in Lurgan in October 2017, and has enjoyed a weight loss every week by eating on plan.


“I have always known about We Slim Together, but couldn’t get myself into being an online member. I joined the We Slim Together Community attending a group, and I have had a weight loss each week.”

weight loss dungannon


As with any new way of life, Feargal’s journey hasn’t been without its problems.


“Initially, it was difficult to eat consistently throughout the day with work, but I never felt like giving up. All of the members’ stories were so inspirational, and I knew I could do this.”


Proud of what he has achieved to-date, Feargal knows that his journey isn’t over.

weight loss groups dungeon“I would like to lose another stone, so I know that my journey is still on-going, but I also know that I can get there.”


“I would encourage anyone thinking about it to join, either attend group or do it online, it definitely helps you to improve your health.”


“This lifestyle and plan is without a doubt the best out there. I never feel hungry, plus I have been doing this for 13 weeks and I’ve had a loss every week, which I’ve never seen before with any other group or weight loss plan.”

Do you want to build your confidence, lose weight and start a better lifestyle? Join a WST Community Group or Online today