Stress and eating

Christmas is a stressful time of year for many. Money can be tight, missing loved ones and having so much to squeeze into a few short days, can and will cause stress. These raised emotions and stresses can have an effect on what we eat, how much we eat and will power is most certainly put to the test.

When we are stressed our body produces a hormone called cortisol. Cortisol can be responsible for raising blood pressure as well as your blood sugars. When our blood sugars rise another hormone ghrelin aka the hunger hormone is released, sending hunger signals to the brain, even when we may not be hungry!

So while we have all these delicious, indulgent foods around us at Christmas, we may have good intentions not to indulge too much, but when we become stressed, the hormones creep in, we lose control and begin to feel guilty about the foods we are consuming.

We need to be mindful initially of the ‘stressors’ in our life, and what foods we reach for at these times; this is where you gain back control!

There are key foods we reach for when craving, which most of us associate as comfort foods,  and we should actually be avoiding, as they do more harm than good:  alcohol,  chocolate, fast foods, biscuits and bread.

Here’s how to cheat the cravings!

Be mindful of the amount of alcohol you have already consumed over the festive period, and maybe choose a soft or hot drink to increase your fluids, reduce hunger and give you energy.

When the chocolate monster comes calling, reach for some fresh fruit with a low calorie chocolate mousse. The natural sugar in the fruit is enough to fight off the craving, and your not just giving your body a short sugar rush.

When we’ve spent hours cooking over Christmas, we need a night off, but instead of pizza or the chip shop, look for the lower calorie option and opt for a chow mein from the Chinese instead.

Bread and biscuits, our go to food when feeling peckish, especially late in the evening! It’s important to have a healthier option, ready made, and in the fridge for when we get these cravings. I suggest preparing a grazing plate, for example cold meats, pickles, and some low calorie cheese and chutneys.

Damage limitation! Enjoy the festive period and the beautiful food and drink on offer, but think about your health and well being.

Be prepared and choose some healthy alternatives to the usual indulgent offerings; both your body and mind will feel so much better. I assure you, you will be more relaxed, and able to enjoy the festive period, going into 2018 feeling refreshed.

Click for more advice, healthy eating tips and recipes.