WST Community Privacy Policy and GDPR Compliance


When you join WST Community we ask you to provide us with a few personal details so that we can provide the very best service to you. Because you trust us with this information and because your data privacy matters to us, it’s only right that you know why we need it, where it’s stored and what we do with it.


Who holds my data?

Your WST Consultant / WST Mentor, operating under a license from WST Community, is a self-employed franchisee which allows them to run your WST group, WST Hub or Online Membership. Your consultant needs certain personal information from you so that they can give you an excellent, personalised service. Your consultant is responsible for collecting and processing your data.


WST Community as a business and your consultant each have a responsibility for looking after your personal information, and together we take our responsibilities extremely seriously. We are committed to protecting your privacy.


Why do you collect my personal information?

Your consultant needs to know your name, address and contact details so that they can support you during your journey, during group and between groups. To help make sure that the WST Community programme is suitable for you, and to give you further information should you need it, they’ll also ask for some information about your medical history and health. When you sign your membership agreement, you are agreeing that we can use your information for this reason. This information will always be kept private. If you don’t feel able to provide this information to your consultant or don’t give your permission for them to process it, we may be unable to offer you membership of WST Community.


You also provide us with personal information when you register with or access our members’ website We use this information along with your activity on the site to ensure you receive a more personalised and relevant service, and that we can help you with any queries or requests you send us. As part of providing those services to you, we also collect:

  • your IP address, device details and browsing history

You might spot the ‘accept cookie’ message across the WST Community website. Cookies store limited amounts of information about you so that the website remembers you (so you don’t need to remember your password, for example) and to help us show you content we think you’ll like or benefit from. You can choose to accept or decline cookies. If you decide to decline them you may not get the very best out of the website.


We also use information as part of our research to help us develop our services, and to support this we sometimes work in partnership with other research partners and health organisations. We ensure personal information is anonymised. Where the sharing of personal information is necessary for that research we ensure the data is kept securely and confidentially.


Who has access to my information?

Your personal information is shared between your WST Consultant/WST Mentor and WST Community to give you an excellent, personalised service which will help you achieve your goals. If your consultant / mentor goes on holiday, is ill or unable to take your group for another reason, your information will be shared with another WST Community-trained consultant taking your group. This is to make sure we’re able to provide you with the highest quality service.


Sometimes we use trusted third party companies to help us to deliver an exceptional service, for example we use an email marketing company to send occasional member emails. These companies do not use your personal information for their own business purposes.


Email Marketing

We use MailChimp.  for our newsletter and campaigns. A MailChimp is one of the best marketing automation platform and is GDPR compliant. They have a campaign builder that makes it easy to create email templates. In MailChimp we only store your email address and when provide your name.


When you submit a support question or general enquiry, we collect your first name, last name and your email address so that we can correspond with you.

Your personal data will be stored on this website’s database & Google cloud; we do not keep any other copies. Our Webhost & Google Cloud is GDPR certified and compliant, so you can rest assured, your information is safe.


Google Analytics
We use Google Analytics to track visitors on this site. Google Analytics uses cookies to collect this data.

In order to be compliant with the new regulatory changes in regard to GDPR, Google has included a data processing amendment.

The data we collect will be processed anonymously and the “Data sharing” element has been disabled.

We don’t use other Google services in combination with Google Analytics cookies.


We won’t ever share your data with any other outside organisation unless you say we can. We won’t send you unrelated marketing material and we certainly won’t give your information away to third parties for their own marketing purposes.



Is my personal information secure with you?

Yes. WST Community ultimately has primary responsibility for keeping your data safe and sound and we are committed to making sure that your information is secure. All data relating to your personal information as a member of WST Community is stored on secure servers within the United Kingdom.


The data which is on laptops and other equipment used in group is protected using secure passwords. All of the data that is electronically transferred is also encrypted (which means it is formatted in such a way that only the people who have been given permission to see it can) and is sent by secure methods. Any paper records we hold are stored securely and destroyed when no longer needed.



How long will my personal information be kept for?

As a WST Community member your information will be kept by WST Community and your consultant for as long as you are a member. If you decide to leave WST Community, we’ll keep hold of your information for a maximum of 36 months after you last go to group in case you wish to continue your membership at a later date.


In addition, some personal information is held for longer:

  • As part of our research to help us develop our methods and services. In this case, access is carefully restricted. The information is used only for statistical purposes and is held only as long as is necessary to complete the research.



Who do I contact about my personal information?

Below we show you all of the data stored by WST Community please select the data you wish to anonymise so it cannot be linked to your email address any longer. It is WST Community’s responsibility to act upon your request. When your data is anonymised you will receive an email confirmation.


Please do contact us if:

  • you have a feeling that any information which we may have about you is incorrect
  • you want to see what personal information we hold about you (and receive a copy)
  • have any queries regarding the accuracy or the processing of your data (including any mis-use or unauthorised use)
  • want to withdraw your consent where any processing is based upon consent


If you ever have any concerns that we are not processing your personal information in accordance with the law, please contact us


We hope we’ve answered any questions you may have about how we handle your private information. If you have any other questions, please do ask your consultant or contact us directly using the email address above.