
When we want to make a significant change in our lives, even when it is a change for the better, we can struggle to break bad habits and form positive new ones.

If we want to improve our diet and fitness, and develop a more positive relationship with food, we often think of types of food as being “good” or “bad”, and we can feel guilty for eating “bad” foods and reward ourselves with food-related treats when we think we have eaten enough “good” ones.

This can result in yo-yo dieting, enhanced negative feelings and low self-worth, and turn what should be a positive life change into a negative life cycle instead.

Being mindful of your feelings can help prevent you from building a negative relationship with food and help stop you from having negative thoughts about yourself, which in turn can help you to foster a positive relationship with food so you can tackle your health and fitness goals with a can-do attitude.

Your mood affects a lot of the decisions you make daily, including what clothes you are likely to wear.

If you are feeling down, you are more likely to opt for dark coloured clothing. Be aware that colour has been proven to lift your mood. Remind yourself that black clothes are not going to change how you feel about yourself right now but wearing some colour could help lift your mood.

If you are feeling overweight, you are more likely to wear baggy or stretchy clothes. Baggy clothes can give us false security about the amount of weight we have lost so far and stretchy clothes can allow us to overeat by having that bit more give.

If you have low energy or mood, you are more likely to keep your pajamas on and not get dressed at all. We all need a PJ day from time-to-time, but if staying in your PJs becomes your norm, it can quickly have a negative effect on your mood and self-esteem.

By recognising how you are feeling about yourself on any given day, you will be more aware of how your mood is impacting the choices you make, so you can take back control of those choices to change your mood, instead of letting your mood dictate to you.

It’s also important to remember that shopping for clothes can be a very negative experience, that can quickly alter your mood, and result in you reaching for some comfort food when you’re feeling low.

It’s best to remember that sizing in shops varies widely – a size 18 in one shop can be a size 16, or even 14, in another. Try not to shop by label, but instead by the look of the size, and try on a size either side of the one you instinctively go for. You could be very surprised. Well-fitting clothes will make you feel much more comfortable and create a much more flattering silhouette regardless of what size is on the label, which will do wonders for your confidence and mood.

When it comes to the size, cut, colour, and style of clothes you wear, remember that they can have a significant impact on your mood, which can either positively or negatively impact your weight loss and fitness journey. Being mindful of your thoughts and mood allows you to take back control and stay on the path to success.

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