Healthy eating

Traditionally, when we plan meals we tend to think of which carbs or meat to have first, and then think of which vegetables to have with the meal second, most often as a small side to the main carb or meat. To reap the most health benefits, boost weight-loss goals, and get the most nutrition out of our meals, we should be thinking the other way around.

Vegetables are vital to provide us with a wide variety of nutrients, and the wider a variety of vegetables we eat, the more we benefit. They are also important when we are trying to lose weight, as they help to fill us up and keep us satiated but for far fewer calories than the majority of other foods, even fruits. For example, 100g of broccoli has just 34 calories, whereas 100g of grapes has 67 calories.

As part of a healthy lifestyle, it is crucial to eat an abundance of vegetables with every meal. This is an important step to make sure you get healthy and remain that way; and because vegetables contain fewer calories than any other food, the more vegetables we eat the less calorie intake we have.

Our body needs a certain amount of energy to survive daily, and the majority of this energy comes from our food intake, but it can also come from our fat stores too. By filling up on plenty of vegetables we give our bodies the nutrients it needs, and satisfy our hunger, while allowing our bodies to burn off our fat stores.

If you have some favourite vegetables, why not plan your meals for the next week around the vegetables first, and then consider if you need a small portion of meat or carbs with the meal? You’ll be amazed at how easy it can be, and what a big difference it can make.

This may sound tricky if you aren’t a vegetable lover, but small changes can make a big difference. Including lots of vegetables in a soup, mixing or hiding loads of vegetables within a meal, and being open-minded enough to branch out and try new vegetables that you have never thought of eating before, can all help to boost your daily veg intake, and boost weight loss and provide a platform for a much healthier lifestyle.

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