Meet Eileen our star slimmer of 2015, here is Eileens story in her words
“My name is Eileen McVey, a 57 year old living in Antrim. I was brought up on a farm outside Magherafelt and moved to Antrim in 1974 to complete my nurse training. Eating the full fat foods that is tradition to the farming community, I was an overweight child but lost that excess weight in my teens. After this I was mostly a normal body weight until my late 30’s.
When I was 38 years old, I began the perimenopause, or menopause transition. It is the time when the ovaries gradually begin to make less estrogen. Although there is not a lot of evidence to suggest that taking HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) will make women put on weight, some studies do suggest that the menopause is associated with a decrease in the resting metabolic rate that reduces the utilisation of calories and hence increases body weight. I did not like ‘putting chemicals’ into my body and was determined to go through the menopause as a ‘natural process’ and unsuccessfully tried complementary therapies rather than go down the medical route. However, after 7 years of experiencing unpleasant menopausal symptoms, and being fully aware of risks involved, I finally asked my GP if I could commence HRT so that I could experience a better quality of life. I commenced Estrogen in 2005 and as the hot flushes and night sweats eased, I noticed improvements in my sleep, concentration and stamina. However there were some negative side effects as well, one being that I noticed I started to put on weight. At the time, I didn’t really care as I was free from the debilitating symptoms. Over the next 7 years up until 2012, my weight kept creeping up and up and I had to continually buy larger sized clothes. I had put on 5 stone and began to feel disgust with myself e.g. I’d stand in front of the mirror and stare in horror at my increasing curves. I didn’t just look fat — although it was impossible, I looked as if I was about to give birth. In December 2012, I was diagnosed with dangerously high blood pressure which ran in my family. I knew the risks only too well, but did absolutely nothing about it despite being warned by my GP to lose weight. Due to being grossly overweight, I was feeling tired and lacking in energy. I experienced breathing problems e.g. not being able to cope with sudden bursts of physical activity like running, and I experienced back and joint pains which affected my mobility. I felt inferior, unattractive, and lacked will power. Someone took a photograph of me on my birthday in April 2013 and I was totally humiliated and repulsed when it was put on facebook. My arms were massive and I had no neck in the photo.
I had previously known Sonya who worked in the same hospital as myself, and in April 2013, heard she was starting up a “slimming group”. Although I didn’t particularly want to go to the group, a friend coaxed me into going with her. On the first night I attended, I weighed 13st 3lb, far too much for my 5ft 2in frame. I still wasn’t convinced that this group was for me as I thought there wasn’t a chance that I would ever lose weight at my age. I did go back the second week though and it was taster night where members brought in some foods which were allowed on the plan. From thinking I would only be eating salads in order to lose weight, I got the surprise of my life when I tasted some of the delicious food that night. I knew then that if I could get the hang of cooking these meals (I was a poor cook), that there might be a chance for me after all. I stuck with it and to my amazement, within the next few months, not only did my cooking skills improve but I started to lose small amounts of weight on a weekly basis and this motivated me to keep going. Sonya kept everyone stimulated by her gentle persuasion, support and encouragement, and I found her website was a massive help for tips and beautiful recipes of which I loved. Every week, Sonya talked to the group about healthy eating and suggested new ways to enjoy food while decreasing calories. I soon learned that We Slim Together was not actually a slimming group but in effect a healthy eating group. Sonya teaches you about the power of your appetite, ways to resist it, be strict on what you eat and that physical activity can help you to maintain weight loss.
By sticking to this healthy eating plan and taking a little exercise in the form of walking, in 11 months I had lost 3st 10lbs and have been at, and maintained my target weight since March 2014. My blood pressure has returned to normal. I am still prescribed HRT!
Since losing weight, changes I have noticed are that I am able to move around much easier without getting breathless, my overall energy has got a big boost, and I started enjoying that previously horrible object called a mirror. I am confident not only because I look and feel better, but also because I was able to achieve my goal and worked hard to get there. I like it that the overall vibe around me is more pleasant.
I don’t miss my ‘former food life’, from foods I no longer eat e.g. bread, sugary breakfast cereals, cakes, biscuits and pastries. I now eat a variety of healthy dishes from the very tasty recipes on the WST website and have even moved out of my comfort zone eating foods I have never sampled e.g. peppers, fried rice, spices etc. I purchase my meats from the Northern Ireland based “Oh So Lean” butchers who travel to numerous destinations province-wide selling low fat, gluten free products.
I feel the best chance of losing weight and keeping it off, is to be committed to a change in lifestyle.
These are my tips to help lose and keep weight off:
Stick to lower-calorie eating. A lower-fat, higher-protein diet helps maintain weight loss.
Plan ahead. Maintain your healthier eating habits regardless of changes in your routine, such as eating out, weekends or holidays. By planning ahead, you’re less likely to slip up.
Eat regular meals – breakfast, lunch and dinner. Try to eat at the same time each day.
Stay active. Build up your physical activity levels.
Get support. Join We Slim Together where you will find very friendly members and inspirational leaders who are totally committed and care about you. Everyone attends for the exact same reason.
Set yourself goals. These can help motivate you into keeping up your healthy diet regime. For example, is there a special occasion coming up that you want to feel your best for?
My Final word of Advice:
Change is always difficult, even when it’s a healthy change. If you feel like giving up, think about all of the reasons why you’re doing this that really matter to you. It may sound cheesy but making a list can really help. Write down of all the ‘pros’ of staying on track. For example, maybe you’re looking for more energy or confidence, or you want to be a healthy role model for your children or family. When you feel like falling back into your old routines, remind yourself how important the things on that list are to you. And if your old habits were to meet emotional needs, experiment with alternatives to fill the void. For example, if you used to turn to food for comfort or to celebrate, try out other ways to meet those needs that don’t involve eating.
The key to reaching your ideal weight and keeping the weight off is to make long-term changes to your diet and lifestyle that you can stick to for life. Persevere and choose to live a happy, free and healthy life.”
